We are dedicated to experiencing the power of a loving relationship with God.
We strive to impact our community and world for Christ.
Experiencing God
Connecting Together
We believe that being a part of “church” is more than going to a weekend service; it’s about being connected to others.
Growing & Serving
God has a vision of who He wants us to be and what he wants us to do; when we catch that vision, we find our purpose.
Impacting Our World
Our mission is to Messengers of Hope who make a major spiritual impact in the lives of those around us.
Our Message
We are a lighthouse of hope to those who are in need of spiritual and physical care. We are a people and a church that take a message of Hope everywhere we go to everyone we meet.
Our Method
To lead people in a life transformational process that fulfills Christ’s mission.
Our Environment
- A Christ-Centered Environment
- An Environment of Excellence
- An Environment of Integrity
- An Environment of Servant Leadership (Healthy 360° Leaders)
My Next Steps is a series of milestones in your walk which may include a response to an altar call, being baptized in water, joining an introduction to Christianity class such as Alpha and Starting Point, etc.
This is the step in which we’ll help you answer some of the questions you may have about the Christian faith, as well as guide you through a process of connecting with others in a lifegroup.
[/icon_timeline_item][icon_timeline_sep time_sep_title=”Experience” time_sep_color=”#3a49ab”][icon_timeline_item time_title=”Regular Church Attendance” icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”1527858|https://christianlifecenterftl.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Experiencing-God.png” img_width=”48″ icon_color_bg=”#3948ab”]Paul urges us to: “…not give up the habit of meeting together, as some are doing. Instead, let us encourage one another all the more since you see that the Day of the Lord is coming nearer.” (Hebrews 10:25 GNT). Regular attendance is important!Through regular participation in services and other church life functions, the process of discipleship begins. This may ultimately lead to taking additional steps such as committing to a lifegroup and serving in ministry.[/icon_timeline_item][icon_timeline_item time_title=”Encounter God Retreat” icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”1528852|https://christianlifecenterftl.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Encounter-Cross.png” img_width=”48″ icon_color_bg=”#3948ab” time_link_apply=”more” time_link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fchristianlifecenterftl.org%2Fencounter%2F|||” time_read_text=”Learn More About Encounter”]Usually 3-4 times per year, we encourage those new to our church family to attend an Encounter God Retreat. It’s a weekend that will powerfully impact your life. On an Encounter, each person takes an individual journey to discover more of who they are in Christ. Where you may have experienced pain, you will receive healing and wholeness.
An Encounter allows you to start walking in a new freedom God has for you.[/icon_timeline_item][icon_timeline_sep time_sep_title=”Grow & Serve” time_sep_color=”#853f97″][icon_timeline_item time_title=”School of Discipleship” icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”1528855|https://christianlifecenterftl.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/SOD-1.png” img_width=”48″ icon_color_bg=”#853f97″]Once you’ve been through an Encounter, we encourage you to join School of Discipleship. This is a critical part of our transformational process as each level of SOD covers an area of our spiritual and relational development: SOD Level 1 focuses on character development. Level 2 focuses on ministry formation, connection to ministry and CLC membership. Level 3 focuses on leadership formation and stepping into influential ministry roles in our church body.[/icon_timeline_item][icon_timeline_sep time_sep_title=”Impact” time_sep_color=”#1ea04a”][icon_timeline_item time_title=”Leaders Advance & Encounter” icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”1528858|https://christianlifecenterftl.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Leaders-Encounter-Eagle.png” img_width=”48″ icon_color_bg=”#1ea04a”]The impact step of our transformational vision process means being released into ministry with a solid Biblical foundation. We’re called to be Messengers of Hope who make a major spiritual impact in the lives of those around us, and the way we do that is by engaging in the mission of Christ.
This step leads to further growth in our character development and ministry leadership functions, as a leader of leaders. In this area, you would be participating in activities such as Leaders Advance, Leaders Encounter and School of Ministry.[/icon_timeline_item][/icon_timeline]